Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
For patients in the UK
- Why is this research being done?
- What is the purpose of this study?
- Who is doing the study?
- Who is being included in the study?
- What happens next if I agree to be included in this study?
- What are the possible benefits of being in the study?
- What are the possible risks of being in the study?
- Can I stop the study treatment or my participation early?
- What about my data privacy?
- If I have any questions or problems, who can I call?
- Do I have to take part?
- Are there any financial costs or payments?
- What else can you tell me?
- Videos
- RECOVERY trial participant newsletter opt-out
- RECOVERY trial participant newsletter sign-up
- RECOVERY trial participant newsletter opt-out
- Letters to participants
For Site Staff
- Pharmacy
- Site Set-Up
- Training
- site teams
- Follow-up data collection
- Randomisation
- Randomisation Training Confirmation
- Background & Consent Training Confirmation
- Children Training Confirmation
- Convalescent Plasma Training Confirmation
- Monoclonal Antibodies Training Confirmation
- Immunomodulatory Therapies Training Confirmation
- Follow-up Training Confirmation
- Dimethyl Fumarate Training Confirmation
- High-dose Corticosteroids Training Confirmation
- Other Oral Therapies Training Confirmation
- Background Training Confirmation
- Consent Training Confirmation
- Influenza Treatments Confirmation Form
- Sotrovimab Training Confirmation
- Molnupiravir Training Confirmation
- Paxlovid Training Confirmation
- PI confirmation form
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Treatment confirmation form
- France
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Regulatory documents
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION At our site some patients receive oseltamivir/corticosteroids as part of usual care, can these patients be randomised?
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION: Is a trial treatment contra-indicated for my patient?
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION: What happens if the clinical team think that a specific trial treatment should be given to my patient?
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION: Can RECOVERY participants join other research studies?
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION: I accidentally ticked the wrong box in the randomisation form and the patient was assigned a drug which is not clinically appropriate/not available; what should I do?
- RECRUITMENT/RANDOMISATION: I entered the wrong year of birth/sex on the randomisation form, what should I do?
- CONSENT: Who can receive informed consent in the RECOVERY trial?
- CONSENT: Can deferred consent be used?
- CONSENT: What should I do if the patient doesn’t speak the local language?
- TRIAL TREATMENT: Who can prescribe and deliver trial treatment?
- TRIAL TREATMENT: Can treatment continue for longer than the specified duration if the patient is not discharged in this time?
- TRIAL TREATMENT: A patient has missed on one or more of their study treatment doses; what should we do?
- TRIAL TREATMENT: A participant was allocated usual care, but they have now been prescribed the trial treatment by their clinician; how do I record this?
- TRIAL TREATMENT: Does the trial require any particular monitoring or screening for treatments e.g. blood count, or renal or liver function?
- FOLLOW-UP: What if a participant wants to withdraw from the trial?
- FOLLOW UP: What should I do if a participant is transferred to another hospital?
- Belgium (French)
- Belgium (Dutch)
- Estonia
- Portugal
- Romania
- Spain
- Sweden
- Dexamethasone results
- Hydroxychloroquine results
- Lopinavir-Ritonavir results
- Study Protocol Archive
- Azithromycin results
- Convalescent Plasma results
- Tocilizumab results
- Colchicine results
- Aspirin results
- Regeneron's monoclonal antibody combination results
- Baricitinib results
- Dimethyl Fumarate results
- Empagliflozin results
- Molnupiravir results
- Paxlovid results
- Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) results
- Sotrovimab results
- Oxford's COVID-19 research receives government funding
- First patients enrolled in new clinical trial of possible COVID-19 treatments
- Letter from Chief Medical Officers encourages participation in COVID-19 trials
- RECOVERY Trial rolled out across the UK
- RECOVERY team reflect on International Clinical Trials Day 2020
- Recruitment to the RECOVERY Trial continues as planned
- First patient, a child, receives convalescent plasma through RECOVERY, the dedicated COVID-19 treatment trial
- No clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19
- Low-cost dexamethasone reduces death by up to one third in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19
- No clinical benefit from use of lopinavir-ritonavir in hospitalised COVID-19 patients studied in RECOVERY
- RECOVERY COVID-19 phase 3 trial to evaluate Regeneron’s REGN-COV2 investigational antibody cocktail in the UK
- Lopinavir-ritonavir is not an effective treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial management acknowledged in clinical trial awards
- Statement on Regeneron’s pause in recruitment to a REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail trial
- Update on Regeneron’s pause in recruitment to a REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail trial
- Aspirin to be investigated as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial
- RECOVERY participant is first person to receive and donate convalescent plasma
- RECOVERY trial clinicians can now be accredited through the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme
- Colchicine to be investigated as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial
- RECOVERY trial shortlisted for the National Project Awards 2020 Special COVID-19 response category
- RECOVERY trial finds no benefit from azithromycin in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Leicester’s hospitals recruit over 1,000 patients for the RECOVERY trial
- Update on recruitment to convalescent plasma and tocilizumab treatment arms
- RECOVERY trial closes recruitment to convalescent plasma treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Baricitinib to be investigated as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial
- Tocilizumab reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- World’s largest clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments expands internationally
- RECOVERY trial closes recruitment to colchicine treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Public webinar 'The RECOVERY Trial: one year on'
- RECOVERY chief investigators elected to prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship
- RECOVERY research teams win awards for outstanding contribution to COVID-19 research
- RECOVERY trial named David Sackett Trial of the Year 2020
- RECOVERY trial finds aspirin does not improve survival for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY Chief Investigators recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
- RECOVERY trial finds Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody combination reduces deaths for hospitalised COVID-19 patients who have not mounted their own immune response
- RECOVERY Trial named joint winner of HDR UK’s Impact of the Year Award
- RECOVERY Trial announced as overall winner of Best COVID-19 Response Project Award in the UK
- Empagliflozin to be investigated as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial
- RECOVERY Trial nominated for ‘Oscar of higher education’
- RECOVERY Trial paper wins BMJ’s 2021 UK Research Paper of the Year Award
- Peter Horby receives prestigious award for outstanding service to public health
- RECOVERY Trial wins ‘Oscar of Higher Education’ for STEM Research Project of the year
- RECOVERY Trial launches in South Africa
- RECOVERY trial team members appointed MBEs
- RECOVERY Trial to investigate sotrovimab as a possible treatment for hospitalised COVID-19 patients
- RECOVERY Trial to investigate whether higher doses of dexamethasone deliver greater benefit for patients with severe COVID-19
- RECOVERY Trial launches in Ghana
- Molnupiravir to be investigated by the RECOVERY Trial as a potential treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- New RECOVERY trial result: baricitinib reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- The RECOVERY Trial is two years old today
- Paxlovid to be investigated by the RECOVERY Trial as a potential treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Recruitment to higher dose corticosteroids closed for patients with hypoxia on no oxygen or receiving simple oxygen
- RECOVERY Trial launched in India
- RECOVERY trial celebrates two-year anniversary of life-saving dexamethasone result
- RECOVERY trial finds that dimethyl fumarate does not improve recovery for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial team shortlisted for MRC Impact Prize
- RECOVERY trial team awarded MRC Impact Prize for Outstanding Team Impact
- How RECOVERY enabled participation of pregnant women in the search for COVID-19 treatments
- RECOVERY trial finds that a higher dose of corticosteroids is harmful compared to usual care (which includes lower dose corticosteroids) in hospitalised COVID-19 patients who require only simple oxygen therapy
- RECOVERY trial finds that empagliflozin is not an effective treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial wins Prix Galien for Best Public Sector Innovation
- Clinical Trials Day: How RECOVERY is leading the global fight against COVID
- RECOVERY trial to focus on sotrovimab and higher dose corticosteroids as potential treatments for severe COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial data included in a wider study that shows SGLT2 inhibitors are safe but not associated with improved survival in patients with COVID-19
- World-leading RECOVERY trial expands to investigate treatments for influenza
- Methylprednisolone and tocilizumab can reduce length of hospital stays for children with inflammation as a result of COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial finds no significant benefit of molnupiravir or Paxlovid for patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial finds that sotrovimab reduces the risk of death in some patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- RECOVERY trial team win NIHR Impact Prize
- From Buckinghamshire to worldwide impact: Dr Raha West’s journey with the RECOVERY trial
- The critical role of communications
- Learning on the job: a clinician’s first experience of clinical trial research
- The RECOVERY Trial's IT team
- Kathryn Murray, Pharmacist
- Richard Brown, Clinical Trial Manager for RECOVERY
- Professor Peter Sandercock, Chair of the RECOVERY Trial’s independent Data Monitoring Committee
- Dr Gail Miflin, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Blood and Transplant
- Dr Ben Prudon, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine
- Taking RECOVERY to Indonesia
- A brush with death – a RECOVERY Trial participant’s story
- Emma Moakes, Clinical Research Nurse for RECOVERY