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UK Randomisation

online randomisation system

When you have done your training, please follow this link to the online randomisation system. If you do not know your site’s password, your site principal investigator can provide it.


Patient Information Sheet/ Informed Consent Form - Adult (v.26)

Participant Information Sheet/Informed Consent Form for children V15

From 28 March 2022 please scan all completed consent forms and email them to: within 72 hours of consent. (Please do not send consent forms to the usual @ndph email address.)

  • Please use the email subject line: RECOVERY Consent. Patient ID: XXXXXXX 

The central coordinating office will review the consent forms and query anything that needs attention and communicate this back to the participating sites for resolution. We hope this will reduce the burden of consent monitoring for site staff.


Please note, these are sample randomisation forms. Randomisation can only be carried out online.

Randomisation form - influenza (v.21)

RECOVERY legal representative participant information sheet (PIS)


Bengali (v.26)
French (v.26)
Polish (v.26)
Portuguese (v.26)
Punjabi (v.26)
Romanian (v.26)
Urdu (v.26)
Welsh (v.26)

Acknowledgements to:

Health and Care Research Wales,
London Metropolitan University, 
The Guildhall School of Business and Law and their network of translators,
The NIHR Clinical Research Network.